Black, male and 40-plus social workers disproportionately subject to fitness to practise process

Three groups are overrepresented not only in concerns received by regulator but are more likely to have cases referred to a hearing, finds Social Work England

A black social worker looking contemplative while working at laptop
Photo: Sanja/Adobe Stock

Do you believe discrimination plays a role in the fitness to practise process?

  • Yes, often. (72%, 754 Votes)
  • Yes, occasionally. (12%, 130 Votes)
  • No (9%, 94 Votes)
  • I'm not sure. (7%, 71 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,049

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Black, male and 40-plus social workers are disproportionately subject to fitness to practise processes, Social Work England has found.

The three groups are overrepresented not only in concerns referred to the regulator but also in cases that reach the hearings stage, when a panel determines whether the social worker’s fitness to practise is impaired, said Social Work England

The regulator also found that the groups had higher rates of progression from the triage stage – when it determines whether there are reasonable grounds to investigate the person’s fitness to practise – than comparator groups.

Black social workers, those aged over 40 and men were also disproportionately likely to progress from the case examination stage to a hearing. Case examiners’ role is to determine whether there is a realistic prospect that hearing adjudicators will determine that a person’s fitness to practise is impaired.

Biggest disparities on race

The biggest disparities set out in the report concerned black social workers, who accounted for one in six registered practitioners but one in three cases referred to a hearing. They were also almost twice as likely as white practitioners to see their case progress from case examiners to a hearing (36% as against 19%).

The findings were based on an analysis of diversity data supplied to the regulator by 94% of registered practitioners from 2021-23, along with fitness to practice referrals received since Social Work England started work in December 2019.

The data on disproportionality in fitness to practise has been long-awaited, amid concerns that certain groups are discriminated against within the system, including black social workers and men.

However, Social Work England urged caution in interpreting the findings.

“We must take considerable care in drawing conclusions, because the apparent differences identified in this analysis do not necessarily indicate that differences in outcomes are caused by a social worker belonging to a group within a particular characteristic,” it said in a report on the findings.

It said it would use this analysis as our analysis as a foundation for further work to examine any apparent differences in our fitness to practise process and their association to social workers’ protected characteristics, and to understand these interactions more fully.

‘Extremely concerning’ data

The Social Workers Union described the data as “extremely concerning”, in the context of the majority of fitness to practise referrals that passed the triage test being made by employers.

“This is a grim but realistic picture of potential racism that Black, Asian and other minority and ethnic background social workers are facing every day in workplaces,” said assistant general secretary Calum Gallacher.

Social Work England’s candour in producing the statistics offers some hope that prompt decision making and actions to redress actual bias, prejudice and discrimination in the concerns raised about social workers and the ensuing regulatory processes will follow.

“Delivering the change required goes beyond Social Work England’s own organisational learning and improvement in terms of screening referrals; arguably this needs to be addressed at source ie working with employers directly to outline the impact bias, prejudice and discrimination are playing in the concerns raised about social workers and the wider ramifications for the profession

“We now have the evidence showing a portion of registrants are being subjected to prejudicial treatment by employers, or indeed racism personified in FTP referrals to Social Work England.  What is needed is a clear stepped plan of what SWE are going to do about it.”

Disproportionate impact of fitness to practise

Social workers aged 40 and over:

  • Accounted for 66% of registered social workers, 71% of fitness to practise referrals and 82% of cases referred to a hearing
  • 43% of cases that were considered at triage progressed to investigation (under 40s: 34%)
  • 33% of cases considered by case examiners progressed to a hearing (under 40s: 26%)

Male social workers

  • Accounted for 17% of social workers, 21% of fitness to practise referrals and 31% of cases referred to a hearing
  • 53% of cases considered at triage progressed to investigation (female social workers: 37%)
  • 37% of cases considered by case examiners progressed to a hearing (female social workers: 30%)

Black, African, Caribbean or Black British social workers:

  • Accounted for 16% of social workers, 18% of fitness to practice referrals and 32% of cases referred to a hearing
  • 50% of cases considered at triage progressed to investigation (white social workers: 34%)
  • 36% of cases considered by case examiners progressed to a hearing (white social workers: 19%)

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55 Responses to Black, male and 40-plus social workers disproportionately subject to fitness to practise process

  1. VH October 2, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

    Come on, Wayne Reid told us about SWE and their ‘ways of working’ in 2020… SWE will continue to oppress as long as they can get away with it.

    • Mo October 5, 2023 at 4:33 pm #

      Totally agree!

    • Coral October 7, 2023 at 1:19 am #

      I agree completely! SWE have non social work personnel “investigating” social work practitioners! If the investigator has an axe to grind with social workers or has a link with the employer – we’re all doomed! Who’s monitoring SWE? Who’s monitoring due process?

  2. Duncan Ross October 2, 2023 at 4:29 pm #

    Instead of trying to ape the flawed GMC system SWE should adopt a dialogical and restorative approach which would allow contextual information and individual voices to be heard. The current process is legalistic and medicalized. This surely would create a system that was aligned with social work values rather than the faceless bureaucracy we currently have to contend with.

  3. social justice October 2, 2023 at 9:10 pm #

    SWE has an appalling record of progressing referrals, it’s time they were held to account for their inability to effectively and promptly Triage referrals. Can you imagine how they would be critical of delays in referrals with children/families, but they are content to cause misery to social workers leaving them left in limbo for months and months on end. I feel unable to move home and my job due to a referral hanging over me that is 8 months old. Don’t believe me, wait until you get a referral then you’ll realize how little SWE cares about the profession.

    • Stacy Harvey October 5, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

      These statistics are shocking but not surprising. There seems to be a delicious relish in ensuring that as well as the pressure you feel to preform because local authorities turn a blind eye to what white colleagues do putting it down as a development need and blacks as a fundamental failing, your doom regardless of where you are in the process. How diverse is SWE? and do they understand it????

  4. Joseph k October 2, 2023 at 9:41 pm #

    After being put through the fitness process and now off the social work naughty step ,it’s really not a surprise that there are these concerning over-representations in the areas clearly identified by SWE. Sadly it’s too late for me I’m looking forward to saying adios to my registration in November (voluntarily). After my experiences this data underscores that with my protected characteristic profile the risks faced in remaining in the profession far out weigh the benefits . The fitness process is brutal and protracted ,I’m fortunate to have regained sanity and better health subsequently . Happily there’s a lot of other life affirming things I can achieve outside of the tent .

    • Maya October 7, 2023 at 12:21 pm #

      Your comment made me sad, but it is true and this is the reality. The majority of referrals to SWE are not genuinely based on protecting the public, but are being used for both malicious and unwarranted reasons, but the majority I see are employers using this to sanction and punish Social Workers who cannot keep up with their unreasonable caseloads.

      I was referred years ago when it was another regulator (the one before the HCPC), and by somebody I did not even know and had never met. A ‘friend’ (now former) gave my full name without my permission to somebody I had never met, saying I was a Social Worker, and said a comment I never made. This resulted in the person making a referral, and I only knew about the connection, as I rang the regulator on receipt of their letter, and the referrer forgot to ask to keep their identity confidential, as the regulator asked how they knew this information, and they said they didn’t know me, and explained their relationship to my former friend. I ended my relationship with the person that day after I rang to tell them what happened, and they did not even feel bad, or understand how this could affect my career or employment. . The only good thing was it was closed without investigation, but that probably would have gone further under SWE.
      I am looking to leave also after 25 years, as it’s too much work, not enough pay, and no work / life balance.

    • Abdul October 7, 2023 at 12:31 pm #

      Sorry you went through this. I was referred by somebody I did not even know, after a now former friend claimed I said something to her in a private conversation I never did. I did not know the referred, but found out after I called the regulator. It was NFA’d, but still lays on your file. I’m out of here after 25 years too. Not worth it I value my reputation, life, and personal time too much.

    • Larry Nwamadi-Emina October 9, 2023 at 11:45 am #

      Great, quite inspiring talk, it’s very difficult for anyone to proceed with practice after going through that ordeal.

      Would rather channel the time and energy into other more beneficial things in life rather than continue to wallow in fear of further fault finding by some employers for speaking out about how you feel at work.

    • Win October 16, 2023 at 10:26 am #

      Glad to hear things improved for you. Many of us agree with the points you made.

  5. Duncan Ross October 2, 2023 at 9:56 pm #

    Could it be that social workers that challenge the status quo are more likely to be subjected to disciplinary measures?

    • Annette October 6, 2023 at 9:42 am #

      Yes. If your not a nodding dog and a yes person you have had it. And at the end of the the day your only intentions were having the clients best interests at heart.

    • Coral October 7, 2023 at 1:22 am #

      Yes indeed. I speak from personal experience!

  6. Ryan Webb October 3, 2023 at 10:08 am #

    Why do so few men choose to become SWs?

    • Abdul October 7, 2023 at 12:09 pm #

      Men do not joint the profession as it’s not valued and was seen traditionally as women’s work. Personally the majority of men don’t have the emotions or energy to deal with the nonsense we do, including the lack of managerial support and unmanageable caseloads. I’m leaving frontline cp SW after 25 years, as I just cannot be bothered to give up my personal time and life anymore.

      • Ryan Webb October 31, 2023 at 5:59 pm #

        Perhaps it’s an extreme reflection of university education as a whole in which only 43% of students are male. I think the figure for SW has fallen to around 15% male. That’s an exceptionally poor reflective representation of the communities SW purports to serve. Is there any research into this remarkable lack of employee diversity?

  7. Victor October 3, 2023 at 10:25 pm #

    Those social workers wrongly referred and racially abused should be compensated around £15,000 a year for the abuse by the Councils involved and the warnings removed immediately from their registration. The abusers who got away with lying must pay a huge fine for up to £1000 a year to SWE for their lies.
    Such Council Must pay back up to 2018 to their victims.

    • Annette October 6, 2023 at 9:43 am #

      100% agree

  8. David October 4, 2023 at 11:06 am #

    March 2021. An unhappy parent made a complaint to SWE as to a practice issue. This extended to other Social Workers

    March, 2022. It took SWE a full 12 months to advise me about this complaint and that it was conducting an investigation

    August, 2023. A further 17 months later the investigator’s report was finally finalised with a recommendation of no case to answer.

    August, 2023. The report was submitted to SWE’s Case Examiners for their consideration. The outcome of this is expected at the end of October, 2023. So if this progresses, from when SWE first received a complaint in March, 2021 the investigation will have taken 2 years and 7 months.

    Throughout this period SWE have consistently stated that there are no restrictions as to my practice.

    Yours in utter exasperation

    • Tom J October 5, 2023 at 9:53 am #

      Hi David. Im really sorry that you had to experience this, I can imagine it must have been awful. As a union rep I often feel bad for hard working members who have to wait ages for a resolution from Social Work England even when the allegation is straightforward. Having one of these investigations hanging over you is awful. I hope that SWE start to take note and take action to ensure both speedy investigations and a better system to ensure that they only investigate those that need it most. Tom J

    • Andy October 5, 2023 at 3:03 pm #

      Hallo David. Reading this is actually making me worried. I am a 40 plus and Black. I am now wondering if I am joining the right profession after reading this report and subsequent reports.

      • Jackie October 6, 2023 at 6:54 am #

        Exactly how I feel. I have just applied for a training programme and wonder just from reading this what I am about to do. I innocently want to have a career that affects the lives of families and children for their good and the good of our country England. I don’t want to be abused or discriminated at or have my career journey traumatic and full of regrets, or with a body that won’t have my back. I’m really sad to read this and if this is what’s going on then it’s a shame already. Killing the passion and hearts for the job that many people carry. No wonder they are always looking for more when theirs in it arent fairly treated to want to stay on or even recommend the career to someone else.

        • Lettie October 7, 2023 at 11:13 am #

          This report is certainly concerning but the majority of social workers, irrespective of age, sex or ethnicity, are not referred to the regulatory body during the course of their careers. The main issues facing the profession are a lack of workers to fill posts in teans, existing workers having to absorb additional cases on to their already heavy case loads resulting in burn out and long term sick leave or early retirement from the profession.

      • Mike A. October 6, 2023 at 9:44 am #

        I am in the same position as you, Andy. 40 plus, black, and new to the profession. I’m miles concerned re my choice to get into Social work. Guess I will have to be guarded as much as possible and hope for the best.
        Best wishes, bud.

      • Mj October 13, 2023 at 7:23 am #

        Same here..this really gave me light to what I’m getting myself into. And I don’t like it.

    • Eddie October 5, 2023 at 6:11 pm #


    • Belynda October 9, 2023 at 6:25 pm #

      That’s appalling, so sorry, I’m having a similar experience albeit in a short timeframe (thus far). Mine is from an unhappy parent and it’s about something straightforward. It’s really depressing me as I was planning on moving jobs (for career reasons only) and I’ve put this on hold as too embarrassed to tell a new prospective employer about this. Feel trapped.

  9. Daniel October 5, 2023 at 9:53 am #

    Joined Social Work after years of military service in the British Army. Adhering to the core values of the army instilled in me and that of social work, I highlighted concerns regarding breaches of dignity at work policies within the LA I was working in. The same LA that had no concerns about my practice by awarding me a certificate for passing my ASYE within a year has unknowingly reported me to SWE after I decided to leave.

    Never once did I experience ‘stress at work’ despite many tours in the army. Social Work brought me to my knees soley because of racism and discrimination. The LA had produced unsubstantiated claims about my practice, this had not been examined and investigated thoroughly leading to unwarranted restrictions that were dropped eventually.

    Shouldn’t there be a penalty paid to SWE for reports made out of malicious intent (racist or discriminatory) and unsubstantiated by LA?

    • Annette October 6, 2023 at 9:56 am #

      Absolutely, how and why are these people able to get away with their lies in an attempt to distroy others. And seemingly get away with it

      They too need to be brought to account

    • Serina October 13, 2023 at 11:47 am #

      Sorry Daniel to hear of this experience. Your experience sounds very similar to that of a colleague I supported who is close to me. I still cannot get my head around the trauma that the whole process has caused for the person and their family. It is a very lonely journey.
      The statistics also worry me, as the 3 categories highlighted can easily apply to one person. It just screams discrmination and racism . I am trying to conjure some hope from knowing this is being looked into, but when i remind myself that those who refer are usually not identifying with these categories, neither do those in SWE , i lose all hope

  10. Elizabeth Koulai October 5, 2023 at 12:18 pm #

    This statement is a real fact as I was recently taken to performance hearing without any perfoancr plan, it just a chronology of all I was doing on a daily basis and was made redundant for poor performance. I have a confirmation of what I believe was just discrimination against me. And most of the time they use Black people to do the job. This just remind me of a documentary I watched years back. The documentary which was titled ‘ Black on Black. I felt self blame, and questioning my practice. I think SWE must act to stop this.

  11. Liz October 5, 2023 at 9:18 pm #

    Totally agree. I feel that the racial discrimination in social work is deep rooted and systemic that it is difficult to challenge or evidence.

    • Annette October 6, 2023 at 9:58 am #

      100% agreed

  12. Ant73 October 6, 2023 at 8:15 am #

    Sadly I am not surprised. Male social work students are disproportionately more likely to get failed on placements too.
    I have experienced direct sexual harassment from a senior social worker who cost me promotion and ultimately forced me to leave the team when her sexual advances were declined.The subsequent harassment was nothing less than blatantly obvious but management turned a blind eye – which I am certain they wouldn’t have if I were female.
    Unfortunately for a profession with anti discrimination at its core, my experience leads me to believe when it’s aimed at men then it’s allowed or at the very least ignored.

  13. Yoni October 6, 2023 at 9:09 am #

    I think there is some sort of deadline at 3 years, maybe internally. I was complained about alongside 11 other people. It took 1 day off 3 years to tell me NFA.

  14. Not My Real Name October 6, 2023 at 2:04 pm #

    I’ve seen first hand how Social Workers can be ‘managed out of the door’ if their face doesn’t fit. Basically, they are given unmanageable caseloads and then put into procedures once something inevitably goes wrong. Are these workers more likely to be black, male and over 40? Put it this way, the managers responsible are usually white, female and under 50.

    • Ant73 October 19, 2023 at 7:17 am #

      I am continually shocked and surprised by the blatant discrimination and harassment demonstrated by certain managers or senior pracs.
      Whilst these people are in the minority they are often able to have the greatest impact by destroying workers confidence in their employment.
      Male privilege may unfortunately still be in existence in certain areas, but in my experience, in social work being a male makes you a target for discrimination and harassment from certain females pushing their own personal agenda or simple misandry.
      I certainly wouldn’t encourage males to enter social work at the current time.

      • LGH October 19, 2023 at 2:27 pm #

        Staying with published SWE statistics, there might be further more poignant questions.

        The issues (if merited) would be around the workplace reason(s) causing white female social workers to be (negatively) targeting older (over 40 plus) black male swrs to Ftp process. I say white female, because statistically, black female managers and snr practitioners would and are likely in growing minority.

        Removing the race element, it seems established statistically that black/white males are more likely to be referred in the workplace than females. The referrer likely being female. When you introduce the race element, it does become more complex. This is because it could negatively misrepresent on black female managers legitimately addressing Ftp issues towards male sw (black and white). Perhaps more challenging for black females addressing Ftp issues towards their white fe/male counterparts, unless supported.

        My own personal opinion is that older black males for different reasons, are more likely to speak up on certain issues if they see/feel cause. It does however come with a cost!

        The profession clearly needs more male workers, perhaps more so now.

        • Ryan Webb October 28, 2023 at 8:08 pm #

          Just what is it about social work over the past few decades that continues to make it increasingly unattractive to men?

  15. David October 6, 2023 at 3:25 pm #

    Imagine my absolute shock that in a racist country, an arm of the state, which is racist and which denies that institutional racism exists, would treat its own staff in a racist way. Real surprise

  16. john stephenson October 6, 2023 at 8:00 pm #

    I have been saying this on here for years and was spectacularly ignored and marginalised.I even asked HCPC when they were inexistence for a breakdown of hearings in relation to ethnic origin only to be told that they did not collate these figures.It is an absolute scandal of which B.A.S.W. is complicit that this has not been recognised before now.

  17. Coral October 7, 2023 at 1:42 am #

    I’m in this profession 27 years and I’ve never experienced such a blame culture, underpinned by racism and intolerance as I have since I move from the Rep of Ireland, to the U.K 10 years ago. I am white, over 55 and have worked in adult mental health services, all my life. Most of my colleagues on night teams, are black – mainly out of fear of being constantly under a white radar by day! Working at night allows them to work safely, have some banter with colleagues but mainly feel safe. They are working under the racism radar. They are afraid to offer clinical opinions by day whereas at night, I thoroughly enjoy sharing clinical opinions with them. I’m not management. I’m just a mental health social worker working in a health Trust. However, I have found that working in health which is primarily medical – it’s also an unsafe environment for social workers! I believe that SWE has failed ALL social workers, black and white and are nothing more than a dog without a bark. For £90 annually – I re-register and get nothing in return. I have re-registered this year only because I’m working and my employer will not employ me without registering. I would happily de-register if I had another option. I have great concern for those coming into the profession, whether you are black or white. I have tried to respond previously on Community Care but my comment was not printed. There’s way too much censorship of people’s opinions. It’s about time that people spoke up!

  18. Chandera Ashgat October 7, 2023 at 11:34 am #

    All regulators seem to be riddled with this disproportionate action against BME members. GMC, BSB, NMC are a few who have had reports to this effect in the past 2 years alone. No amount of EDI or unconscious bias training seems to fix their prejudices. What an unfair system. I always understood why Asians of my generation eventually gave up “the professions”, and went into business.

    This was published last week:,J1NE,2OYEFQ,2FADX,1#

  19. No name October 7, 2023 at 6:51 pm #

    I heard a white colleague say the n word repeatedly in an open office when discussing a case where the client used the word. The black colleagues around clearly looked offended and shocked. When it was highlighted to management that this person should not be using the word in its entirety as it causes offence to Black workers and should just say “the n word” instead management responded that as the person had a mixed race child they was allowed to say this word. The management where also white.

  20. The Hulk October 10, 2023 at 5:08 am #

    Would be interested to know the outcomes at hearings for black males.

  21. LGH October 10, 2023 at 2:35 pm #

    My comments are not intended representative but do echo some of the experiences.

    To give reassurance to new or younger entrants, I understand the FTP cohort is a small number and those at the more senior age stages. Do not let that block your calling. I fall within the recent published demography. Over 50, male, black and subject to FTP process. Qualfied into the profession in the late 1980s.

    Suspended, investigated and further.. 2 plus years ago. Self- referred to SWE, investigated to case examiners, to adjudicators – where my case, is now at SWE stage ‘referred for hearing’. During the 2 year period, there is still no SWE FTP decision yet been made. Neither seems indicated likely before next 6-12 months.

    In meantime, I am instructed by SWE still professionally able to continue to work as a social worker (without restrictions). I have communicated closely with SWE for the clarifications. SWE amongst other things, says this is procedural in some cases, including with context to HCPC backlogs. In certain cases, would include where risk assessed by SWE is low and/or dealing with more priority or ‘urgent cases’. The position in my view also reflects issue complexities behind some of the FTP cases!

    The SWE through its published report is rightly careful to say they are still a lot of unknowns. Also cautious concerning suggested mechanisms linking to direct discrimination. Regardless of this, the figures speak despite not knowing the full analysis or mechanisms.

    Despite sadly resigning my employment to the issues (not the profession), I have also maintained as best engaged with the various processes, from start to their current stages. I have done so to assist to any personal learnings, cope with and navigate the impact experiences with owner decision making; and if/where relevant, for any wider process or systemic accountabilities, still going through.

    My immediate advice to anyone directly affected by this process (despite the focussed demographics) is to prioritize your well-being; keep to your values and integrity, including those to this important profession. Further, to remain where at all possible sensible (not fearfully), engaged in your workspace to help improve process and make the difference.

    Should you find yourself concerned or affected to the process, I have formed some support tips which might be helpful. I’d be happy to share these elsewhere where /if interested.

    • Sarah October 11, 2023 at 8:36 pm #

      Hello, I’d really appreciate any further words of wisdom. I’m on the verge of leaving the SW profession altogether following a referral to SWE that has been going on for 7 months. The referral was from a parent who made 20-30 complaints about our department and the multi agency group. I’m not worried about what has been said, but I suddenly feel really vulnerable in my job & I’ve taken a real knock. I feel quite in the dark about what is happening and why. Thanks

    • Sarah October 11, 2023 at 8:37 pm #

      I’m so sorry to hear about your experience but appreciate your views.

      • LGH October 12, 2023 at 2:19 am #

        Sorry to hear of your experience.

        It would be unwise/unfair for me to say further without background. However during my own journey enquiry, I learnt unbeknown SWE had recieved / been investigating a lesser complaint for near 11 months. The complaint basis was totally misplaced. I was both annoyed and upset. I swiftly (politely) challenged when found out. SWE seemed agreed and it was dropped. Had I not intervened and the complaint also not dropped, I’ve considered procedurally it would count as a second complaint (to any existing) likely escalating their risk assessment. I was also concerned about the (seeming) lack of SWE delayed transparency and said same.

        The basic point(s) – If you’re able, stay engaged. You can to some extent communicate and influence the process. If not, ‘machines’ will operate by their default and can go wrong unchecked;The referal FTP mechanisms appear complex and any subsequent investigations in progress (may be rightly) neither fully transparent; There is an ‘unclear’ relationship with informational request activities on the ground. If so, this may add further to SWE delays where not timely provided when/if requested.

        If you are still working during a SWE FTP process,it’s likely psychologically and emotionally very difficult to consentrate on your job – effectively and safely. Similarly, to challenge the process because of the felt vulnerabilities.

        My basic learning advice – keep calm, don’t over broadcast without safety; assume some self responsibility; find a friend to share/confide. In a high blame culture (public, health and social work, education profession), the complaint issues may not always be about your actions alone.

  22. Jeremy October 10, 2023 at 6:54 pm #

    If memory serves me correct HCPC didn’t keep the data, but just going by the cases I read about, black staff seemed disproportionately represented in the cases that were taken to hearings. I trained in 1992 and values were right through the core of my training, but I wonder if anti-racism is still taught at University, as the colourblind approach is rife.

  23. Chile October 11, 2023 at 7:16 pm #

    Black workers are complained about by clients because we’re seen as `the other` therefore no loyalty towards us from the clients. Unfortunately those who’s role it is to support workers just throw us under the bus even more; a while client complained about me; I was in the process of completing my progression to Level 3 sw! as a result of the complaint, my progression was halted despite my having a number of commendations from other professionals I’ve worked with and other clients. Just a week prior to the incident; my manager had been singing my praises about my excellent work – but when this happened she flipped! and cited the fact I’d scored 45% in my written assignment for progression as a reason for not supporting my progression. I was very disappointed and disillusioned with my managers! I’m still a SW though; still very sceptical about managers, but plodding on. My managers were female and asian!

  24. Tom October 13, 2023 at 9:20 am #

    Looks like there’s a bit problem here with employers and potentially the public making these referrals, and these not being shared with the person for many months. A transparent system is needed locally where standards of practice and acceptable behaviour are set out at induction and through regular appraisal. If there is any bias creeping in, it can be discussed and challenged openly before any referrals are made. Another suggestion is that all employers share their composite HR data on employee performance, progression, complaints etc, with their staff, for transparency on disproportionate outcomes for all protected characteristics. Does your employer do this? Mine certainly doesn’t.

  25. Funk33 October 24, 2023 at 10:12 pm #

    It’s extremely sad to hear the experience Black social worker. This beg the question where is the voice? as a black social worker I have found it difficult to network with other black social workers. Is there a group for ethnic minority social workers that I can connect with. I have noticed other professionals such as BAME OT UK have the support of the Royal College of OT

    Let’s start???


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