Social work leaders

A group picture of contributors to Free Loaves on Fridays, an anthology of writings by people who are, or were, in care

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Free Loaves on Fridays: 100 care experienced children and adults tell their story

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The word 'assets' spelt out in a jigsaw

Adults, Social work leaders

Making a reality of asset-based practice in social care

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Group of colleagues talking together in an office

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

‘A kick in the teeth’: DfE axes social work leadership training scheme

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ADCS president for 2024-25, Andy Smith

Children, Choose Social Work, Social work leaders, Workforce

‘The power of social work has shaped who I am’ – ADCS’s new care experienced president

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A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Social work leaders, Workforce

‘Why practice education research must be catalyst for tackling longstanding issues facing role’

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Group of four children hugging each other

Children, Social work leaders

Overcoming the barriers to contact between siblings separated by the care system

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Social worker in supervision w ith manager

Social work leaders, Workforce

National support programme for overseas social workers should be ‘seriously considered’, says BASW

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Herbert Laming

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

The Victoria Climbié Inquiry chair reflects on social work, 21 years on

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A social worker talking to a younger colleague to symboilse mentoring, coaching or practice education

Social work leaders, Workforce

Practice educators passionate about role, but lack of support risks pushing them out of it, finds study

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Reform sign on a desk with a blurry background of a court room

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Seven more councils chosen to test family support and child protection reforms

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Colleagues engaged in training session

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

DHSC sets out plans for funding adult social care training

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Financial concept meaning TAX HAVEN with inscription on the File Folder.

Children, Social work leaders

Children’s homes body excludes providers funded through tax havens from membership

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Map of Europe with countries marked by flags

Social work leaders, Workforce

BASW chief elected president of International Federation of Social Workers Europe

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Image of compass arrow pointing to word 'improvement' (credit: Coloures-Pic / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

‘Consistently high standards’ of social work earns Cafcass across-the-board outstanding rating

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Finley Boden

Children, Social work leaders

Finley Boden: professionals should have protected baby murdered by his parents, review finds

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Colum Conway, chief executive, Social Work England

Social work leaders, Workforce

Regulator calls for consistency of support for NQSWs as DfE develops children’s early career framework

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