Workforce Insights

Bradford Children and Families Trust

Webinar: learn how to use relationship-based practice

Photo: AdobeStock/Johnstocker

Practitioners from Bradford Children and Families Trust talk about what tools they use to make sure their practice is relational and restorative

Traci Taylor, the principal social worker at Bradford Children and Families Trust, and Andy Lloyd, practice lead for strengthening families supporting children, give an insight into how you can make your social work practice more relational and restorative.

In this webinar, Andy explains the importance of relationships.

“I talk about restorative relational practice, not as a model but as a way of being,” he says.

Traci shares tips on how to practically use language when speaking to children and writing case notes.

They both talk about how they have consciously made meetings with colleagues more welcoming and useful for all that attend. Being open and honest are key to developing a more relationship-based approach to practice, not just with children and families but with peers too.

Andy also talks about three important ideas to tie in together – values, permissions and courage – as sometimes, “it is easy to forget why we do what we do”.

Watch the session:


You can watch the 58-minute webinar with principal social worker Traci Taylor and practice lead Andy Lloyd, in full here.

Click here to view Traci’s slides.

A full transcript of the webinar is available here.