Nominations open for Frontline social work awards

Gongs on offer for children's social work practice, leadership, innovation and teams, along with one recognising achievements of young people with lived experience, in second year of awards scheme

The Frontline Awards 2023
The Frontline Awards 2023

Nominations have opened for the second Frontline Awards, which seek to champion the achievements of children’s social workers  in England.

As with last year’s inaugural gongs, the charity is offering awards recognising high-quality practice, leadership, innovation and teams, as well as one for the achievements of young people with lived experience.

There is also an award for Frontline ‘fellows’ – those who have been through its programmes – and a new category for current participants on the charity’s fast-track training programme.

Comparison with Social Worker of the Year Awards

The scheme is distinct from the more longstanding Social Worker of the Year Awards by covering only children’s social work, being focused on statutory services and having a lived experience award.

Alongside category-specific criteria (see below), entrants should demonstrate a commitment to anti-oppressive and relationship-based practice, improving outcomes for children and families and putting the child at the centre.

Nominations are open until 23 February 2024 and can be made by anyone who knows the nominees. Shortlisting will take place in March, followed by an awards ceremony on 22 May 2024.

Frontline Awards categories

  • Practice award: for excellent practice by an individual local authority social worker that benefits children and families, with entrants expected to demonstrate a strengths-based approach, the ability to balance strengths and risks and a commitment to engaging the whole family, listening to children and building effective relationships.
  • Leadership award: for excellent leadership by an individual local authority social worker that benefits children and families.
  • Team award: for a local authority children’s social work team, or multi-agency team with at least one children’s social work member, who have done outstanding work to improve support for children and families.
  • Innovation award: for a group of up to three people – at least one of whom must be a registered social worker – who are working on an innovation designed to create lasting change for children and families.
  • Young people’s award: for up to three people aged 16-25 with lived experience of children’s social care in recognition of their achievements or their work to create change within children’s services.
  • Fellowship award: for a fellow or group of fellows – those who has been through a Frontline programme – in recognition of them making a significant contribution to the sector.
  • Participant award: for a current participant on the fast-track Frontline programme who has excelled during their training, including by showing commitment to children and families and making a difference during their local authority placement.


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One Response to Nominations open for Frontline social work awards

  1. TiredSocialWorker January 11, 2024 at 12:38 am #

    Everyone I know who did Frontline has gone off sick with burnout. Maybe they could spend a bit of money helping them instead of this nonsense.