Search results for "ethnic"

A summary of social care stories from the main newspapers

By Clare Jerrom and Reg McKay.

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A summary of social care stories

By Clare Jerrom and Reg McKay.

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A summary of social care news

By Clare Jerrom and Reg McKay

Unmarried fathers will be offered full parental

A clause in the adoption and children bill, which received its
second reading in Parliament yesterday,

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Leicestershire begins to dispel `insular` culture

Leicestershire social services has won praise from a joint
review for starting to dispel its previous "insular" culture, and
introducing a new emphasis on partnership working.

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Has renewal taken off?

Building new houses is easy to achieve but regeneration's
contribution to ending social exclusion is less clear cut. Peter
Fletcher reports on the findings of a national study.

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Leicestershire wins praise for partnership working

Leicestershire social services have won praise from a joint
review for starting to dispel the previous "insular" culture and
introducing a new emphasis on partnership working.

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Suicide prevention strategy needed

Mental health charity Mental health Aftercare Association (Maca)
has called for immediate action to improve care plan provision for
people with mental illness to prevent more suicides.

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Thumbs down for Best Value plan

Slough Council's Best Value improvement plan is unlikely to
boost supported housing for older people, said the Audit Commission
last week.

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Anti-drugs strategy needs guidance on black youth

The government's anti-drugs strategy should do more to tackle
the problem of drug abuse among black youngsters, a conference was
told last week.

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n Cabinet Office minister Mo Mowlam and rough sleepers unit
director Louise Casey opened the Bethnal Green resource centre in
east London last week.

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Slough criticised over Best Value plan for supported housing

Slough Council's Best Value improvement plan is unlikely to
improve supported housing for older people, according to the Audit

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Westminster’s housing service stars in inspection

The Housing Inspectorate has awarded Westminster Council's
housing with care project two stars out of a possible three in its
Best Value rating, according to a new report.

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Councils ‘failing’ black staff

The race relations record of local authorities has come in for
criticism from the chairperson of the Local Government

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Services, but at a price

The Carers and Disabled Children's Act 2000 promises carers

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Councils lagging

It is now two years since the Stephen Lawrence inquiry reported
its disturbing findings.

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Councils told by their own leader to improve race record

The race relations record of local authorities has been
criticised by their own leader.

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