About Anastasia Koutsounia

Author Archive | Anastasia Koutsounia

A group picture of contributors to Free Loaves on Fridays, an anthology of writings by people who are, or were, in care

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Free Loaves on Fridays: 100 care experienced children and adults tell their story

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Improving public perception of social work requires positive media exposure, say practitioners

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Herbert Laming

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

The Victoria Climbié Inquiry chair reflects on social work, 21 years on

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Fitness to practise cases should take no longer than six months, say social workers

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Does your caseload match the average calculated by the DfE?

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘His unwavering support had a profound impact on my son’s life’

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘Even though you’re not here anymore, you still influence my passion for social work’

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Social workers expecting ‘significant cuts’ to social care funding over coming year

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Is unions’ 2024-25 pay claim for social workers up to scratch?

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How does your employer manage excess workloads among social workers?

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘Her support made an extremely challenging time manageable’

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Children, Workforce

Should councils be able to exceed agency social work price caps?

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


My Brilliant Colleague: ‘I hope to one day be as successful and brilliant as you are to me’

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Social workers’ guilt over unmet needs

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Elaine James, with her social justice advocate award at the 2023 Social Worker of the Year Awards ceremony

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

The social worker advocating for people with learning disabilities

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Two colleagues, one woman and one man, working together over a laptop and laughing.


Your chance to celebrate your social work colleagues

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