About Anastasia Koutsounia

Author Archive | Anastasia Koutsounia

Children, Workforce

Are social workers given adequate support after traumatic events at work?

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Anti-Racist Movement for Social Workers. Pictured left to right: Millie Kerr, professor Claudia Bernard, Shantel Thomas, Dr Carlene Firmin, Nimal Jude.


The anti-racism movement supporting black female staff using social work techniques

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How likely are social workers to make a career change in 2024?

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Photo of Meera Spillett smiling at the camera

Children, Choose Social Work, Workforce

Breaking barriers: Meera Spillett’s path from disabled social worker to award-winning leader

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(L-R) Headline Sponsor Sanctuary Personnel CEO James Rook, Omaid Badar, Broadcaster and journalist Ashley John-Baptiste. (credit: Social Work Awards)

Children, Choose Social Work, Workforce

From refugee to social worker of the year: Omaid Badar’s story

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festive socks


Can social workers switch off during the holidays?

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The title 'a year in review' with snowflakes all around.

Adults, Children, Workforce

A year in review: what happened in social work in 2023

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Do social workers hold mothers entirely responsible for their children’s safety?

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Typewriter with a note writing 'Christmas is coming by Rosie R.'


Poem: Christmas is coming

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Multiple fingers pointing at a man hunched over with his hands on his head.

Choose Social Work, Workforce

Two-thirds of social workers say their practice is influenced by fear of the media, finds survey

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Social work leaders, Workforce

Do employers address issues with high caseloads in social work teams?

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Social work leaders, Workforce

Do social workers feel valued by senior management?

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Will social workers fight or accept next year’s pay offer from councils?

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Dear Future Social Work

Choose Social Work

Find your ‘person’ and prioritise supervision: advice from a principal social worker

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Does discrimination play a role in fitness to practise processes?

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Choose Social Work

Why social workers choose to stay

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