About Caroline Lovell

Author Archive | Caroline Lovell

Children, Workforce

Children’s teams split into ‘pods’ to increase contact

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Mental Health, Workforce

Talking therapies: Ivan Lewis launches guidance for SHAs

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Children, Adults, Workforce

The right to short breaks for disabled children could become law

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Child database ContactPoint will always have data security risks

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Government plans age-friendly homes and neighbourhoods

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Post-Registration Training and Learning must reform, says BASW

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Children, Workforce

Child database ‘will never be fully secure’

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Mental Health, Children, Workforce

News round up: Child database ‘will never be fully secure’

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Children, Adults

Children’s palliative care sector urged to pressure PCTs for cash

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Details of child sex offenders to be made available in pilot plan

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Children, Workforce

Youth workers slam Lambeth gang intelligence unit

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Direct payments ‘corrupted’ by councils, says NCIL campaigner

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Adults, Children

Cash for families that beat poverty trap

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Adults, Children

News round up: Cash for families that beat poverty trap

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Adults, Children

Valentines special: Love guide for parents of disabled children

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Adults, Workforce

Rob Greig to step down from learning disabilities post

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