
News, practice information and opinion on children and families social work and social care
Image of folder marked 'Regulations' (credit: caracoot / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

‘Catastrophic’ loss of one in five supported accommodation beds projected, as regulation looms

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Children, Workforce

Social work sector decries passage of ‘small boats’ legislation

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Image of Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the family division of the High Court

Children, Social work leaders

‘Positive signs’ on reducing number and length of care proceedings, says family court head

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sad child hugging parent with their head turned away

Children, Inform Children

Parental substance misuse: tips for completing assessments

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Deputy minister for social services in Wales, Julie Morgan

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Legislation to limit caseloads for social workers rejected by Welsh Government

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Image depicting randomised controlled trial


‘We can respect rights while finding out what works in social care’

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John Pearce, ADCS president, 2023-24

Children, Social work leaders

Age assessment demands on social workers must be reduced, says ADCS president

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Systemic racism worsened Covid’s impact on disabled people from ethnic minorities – report

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Social worker doing direct work with child

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Ofsted and BASW raise safeguarding concerns over allowing non-social workers to hold child in need cases

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Notebook with list of rules and pen on yellow background, flat lay

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

DfE likely to implement agency social work restrictions – sector head

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Children, Workforce

The Broken Swing: a poem on social work

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Blocks illustrating a change of policy

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

How social workers’ roles would change under Working Together overhaul

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children

Child victims of exploitation left ‘invisible’ during school holidays

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Children, Choose Social Work, Social work leaders, Workforce

Sharon Shoesmith: how social workers can get their professional pride back

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Research results post-it note on mouse

Adults, Children

‘Substituted parenting’ risk used to justify removing children without evidence base, finds study

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Lack of social care workforce plan ‘a missed opportunity’

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