Community Care webinars

Boost your continuing professional development with Community Care's programme of webinars on key topics in social work and social care

The Public Law Outline and using pre-proceedings effectively

24 April 2024, 12noon-1pm

Image of book marked 'family court' and judge's gavel (credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Adobe Stock)

(credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Adobe Stock)

The Public Law Outline (PLO) was relaunched last year with a renewed focus on supporting families and reducing delays and the number of hearings in the family courts. The relaunch also included new guidance on using the pre-proceedings stage to avoid families and professionals needing to go to court.

This webinar will explain the social work role at every stage of the new Public Law Outline (PLO) and during pre-proceedings, with a focus on using your time and skills effectively to provide best practice for children and families.

Attend the webinar to understand:

  • Priorities and responsibilities at each stage of the PLO including formally informing families of concerns, the different meetings that need to take place, and proceedings going to court.
  • Using assessments effectively and fairly to investigate concerns, formulate plans and encourage change in the early stages, and how this work can support court evidence if necessary.
  • A legal perspective on what the courts expect and want to see from social workers.


  • Bruce Tregoning, experienced family lawyer

The webinar is free for Community Care Inform Children subscribers. Find out more and book your place now.

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