Inform Children

Community Care Inform Children provides practice guidance, legal information and learning tools for children and families social workers. If you have a subscription, go to the full site. For further information about the service or how your organisation can subscribe to Inform, please email our Helpdesk, call 020 3915 9444 or visit our 'about us' page.
The articles below provide tasters or excerpts of some of the resources on Community Care Inform Children, and include links to the full versions.

Inform Children

Why a chronology should be the first thing you do in an assessment

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Careers Zone, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Five tips for being an effective leader

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Inform Children

Domestic abuse and child contact: key advice on understanding the child’s experience

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Counselling session

Inform Adults, Inform Children

Motivational interviewing: what it is and how you can use it in social work

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A sign saying 'immigration' at an airport

Inform Children

Placement making in social work with unaccompanied asylum seeking children

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Tools to help students with reflective practice and using theory

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Inform Children

What is systemic practice?

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Inform Children

What to include in a court report about direct work

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

The toxic trio: what social workers need to know

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Inform Children

Working with fathers: key advice from research

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

When should social workers involve the police in domestic abuse cases?

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Careers Zone, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Using a time diary to stay on top of your workload

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Careers Zone, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Dealing with conflict at work

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Inform Children

Top tips on making the transition from practitioner to manager

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Image of series of ticks in boxes (Credit: Ralf Geithe / Adobe Stock)

Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips for practice educators on assessment, supervision and anti-oppressive practice

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips on reflective writing for social work students

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