Inform Children

Community Care Inform Children provides practice guidance, legal information and learning tools for children and families social workers. If you have a subscription, go to the full site. For further information about the service or how your organisation can subscribe to Inform, please email our Helpdesk, call 020 3915 9444 or visit our 'about us' page.
The articles below provide tasters or excerpts of some of the resources on Community Care Inform Children, and include links to the full versions.

Inform Children

What is evidence-based practice?

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family court

Inform Children

Court reports: three key tips for writing clearly

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witness or lawyer in court

Inform Adults, Inform Children

Appearing as a witness in court: tips for social workers

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broken eggshells

Inform Adults, Inform Children

How to identify perpetrators of domestic abuse and coercive control

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips for practice educators working with a struggling student

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A sign saying 'immigration' at an airport

Inform Children

Asylum age assessments: key advice for social workers

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Careers Zone, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Tips for social work managers on supporting staff wellbeing

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Careers Zone, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips on managing professional boundaries in social work

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Inform Children

Tips for social workers on preparing section 7 reports for court

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Inform Children

Tips for social workers on case recording and record keeping

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Inform Children

Tips for undertaking life story work

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social media

Inform Children

Social media and adoption – what social workers need to know

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woman looking at view from mountains

Inform Adults, Inform Children

How social workers can build their emotional resilience

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Inform Children

Preventing adoption breakdown – what social workers need to know

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Social worker in supervision w ith manager

Careers Zone, Inform Children

Quick tips for new social work supervisors

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Careers Zone, Inform Children

Tips on managing risk in social work

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