Social work leaders

Apprenticeships key on keyboard

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

400 additional social work apprenticeships on cards as councils invited to bid for £12m fund

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Social work team discussing a case

Children, Social work leaders

Leaders must foster professional curiosity and challenge to improve child protection, finds review

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Young black man receiving a mental health assessment

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Mental Health Act detention numbers fall for second year but significant racial inequalities persist

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Graph showing increased complexity

Children, Social work leaders

Children’s social work caseloads growing increasingly complex, research finds

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Michael Gove

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Gove finds extra £500m for social care following last-ditch calls to ease council pressures

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Child sexual abuse therapy session

Children, Social work leaders

55,000 on waiting lists for child sexual abuse support services, estimates research

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Word blocks spelling out 'outsourcing' being changed to 'insourcing'

Children, Social work leaders

Children’s trust to be disbanded as council takes services back in-house

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Two professionals in discussion regarding a young woman

Children, Social work leaders

Family reunification hampered by lack of specialist teams, strategy and resources, finds study

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Book with title employment tribunal on a table.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Why social worker won harassment claims against council and regulator over gender critical beliefs

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Post-it notes on a wall with the word 'workload' in the foreground

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils urged to join project to curb social workers’ workloads

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budget cuts

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Four in ten adult care providers reduced services last year due to cost pressures

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Social worker doing direct work with child

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Child in need cases opened up to non-social work staff despite risk concerns

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A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils given funding to train more staff as social workers through apprenticeships

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'Policy update' written on road sign

Children, Social work leaders

Panel disappointed with ministers’ response to its proposals to boost safeguarding of disabled children

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Blocks spelling out the word 'funding'

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

More council ‘bankruptcies’ predicted as government rejects calls for extra social care funding

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A group of colleagues clapping their hands

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Social workers hailed in New Year Honours list

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