Tag Archives | practice educators

A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Social work leaders, Workforce

‘Why practice education research must be catalyst for tackling longstanding issues facing role’

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A social worker talking to a younger colleague to symboilse mentoring, coaching or practice education

Social work leaders, Workforce

Practice educators passionate about role, but lack of support risks pushing them out of it, finds study

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A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Social work leaders, Workforce

Non-statutory placements make up over half of provision for students in Scotland, report reveals

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A social worker talking to a younger colleague to symboilse mentoring, coaching or practice education


The key challenges facing practice educators today

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Black student in university library

Social work leaders, Workforce

Social Work England finds broad support for proposed expectations of new graduates

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Man looking downcast


‘Why I quit my placement after three weeks’

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Assessing newly-qualified social workers: top tips

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child and professional


49% of ASYE social workers promised a protected caseload don’t have one, survey finds

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£3.1 million contract to train 700 social work practice supervisors awarded

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Tools to help students with reflective practice and using theory

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Image of series of ticks in boxes (Credit: Ralf Geithe / Adobe Stock)

Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips for practice educators on assessment, supervision and anti-oppressive practice

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips on reflective writing for social work students

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How we’re supporting struggling practice educators

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Tips for social work students before going on your placement

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Inform Adults, Inform Children

Top tips for practice educators working with a struggling student

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Students studying


Social work bursary allocations revealed

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