Tag Archives | social work research

The word 'assets' spelt out in a jigsaw

Adults, Social work leaders

Making a reality of asset-based practice in social care

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A social worker talking to a younger colleague to symboilse mentoring, coaching or practice education

Social work leaders, Workforce

Practice educators passionate about role, but lack of support risks pushing them out of it, finds study

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Multi-coloured speech bubble with the question 'what do you think?'


Social Work England launches first annual survey of profession

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Black student in university library


Homelessness ‘only touched on’ by half of universities delivering social work courses, research finds

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Description_of_image_used_in_if telecare_doesn't_work_then_why_are_councils_still_using_it_magnifying_glass_over_word_evidence

Children, Social work leaders

Can systemic practice improve how early help staff support families?

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Beverley Barnett-Jones

Children, Social work leaders

Ethnic disparities in care proceedings: what the data says

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Older man talking to a social worker in the park

Adults, Workforce

‘Hectic is the life of a social worker’: what research reveals about practice with older people

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Graph showing increased complexity

Children, Social work leaders

Children’s social work caseloads growing increasingly complex, research finds

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Happy grandmother hugging her grandson

Children, Social work leaders

Significant disparities in council support for kinship carers revealed by survey

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Family meeting in a hall

Children, Social work leaders

Family group conferencing good practice must not be diluted in rollout, experts warn

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Research results post-it note on mouse


Discharge of care orders: filling the evidence gap

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Image of book marked 'family court' and judge's gavel (credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

Children more likely to be reunified when parents are referred to family drug and alcohol court – research

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children

Jacob Crouch: action taken to protect babies following case, says safeguarding body

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Research ethics image


‘Social work is about promoting participation – social work research should be too’

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Image depicting randomised controlled trial


‘We can respect rights while finding out what works in social care’

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