
All our recent legal stories are below. But if you need more, Community Care Inform Children and Community Care Inform Adults provide digested versions of all the major statutes that govern the work of social workers and other professionals working to support children and young people, and adults, respectively. For more information email the Community Care Inform helpdesk

Adults, Workforce

Your latest Care Bill reading list

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Workforce, Children

Social workers found in contempt of court after denying a mother access to her children ‘were following procedure’

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Adults, Workforce

When is it right to remove a young learning disabled adult from their family’s care?

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Children, Workforce

Residence test on legal aid could cost councils millions

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Adults, Workforce

Few staff or carers prosecuted for abusing vulnerable adults, finds research

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Adults, Workforce

Why mediation is key to helping social workers resolve best interests disputes

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Adults, Workforce

Government funds social care leaders to prepare sector for Care Bill reforms

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Adults, Workforce

Legal challenge to council cap on social care packages fails

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Social workers to get tool to improve care applications

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Adults, Workforce

Provider leaders face removal by CQC for care failings in post-Winterbourne shake-up

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Adults, Workforce

Green light for legal challenge against council cap on care packages

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Adults, Workforce

Social work evidence to carry greater weight with Court of Protection

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Adults, Workforce

England and Wales go their separate ways on social care law

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Children, Workforce

Judge criticises social workers for not challenging police

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Adults, Workforce

Man jailed for fraudulently receiving £100,000 in direct payments

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Adults, Workforce

Practice standards for best interests assessors launched

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